Acaba de concluir mi primer viaje del 2009 a Buenos Aires.

Dieciocho horas de ida y otras tantas de vuelta. Paisajes desérticos, pampa húmeda y fría, y finalmente Capital Federal (Liniers en la foto de aquí abajo).

Ya se había suspendido la "Feria del Libro infantil", habíamos postergado para Septiembre las Jornadas de Ilustración Digital y era poco lo que quedaba por hacer.
Me invitaron a participar del Puma Urban Art 2009, donde expuse la ilustración "Prince of e-mails".

Muchísima gente circuló por allí todo el fin de semana, inclusive la talentosa y amable Hilda Lizarazu, que posó junto a la obra y se quedó unos minutos charlando.

También tuve la oportunidad de conocer al ilustrador mexicano Alberto Cerriteño, invitado internacional del festival.

En 3 o 4 semanas, regreso nuevamente a Baires a dar las Jornadas de Ilustración Digital "Del Papel al Photoshop", lo cual ¡me llena de entusiasmo!
Just completed my first trip to Buenos Aires for this year (2009).
The trip was: eighteen hours one way and the same for the return. Desert Landscape, the wet and cold "pampa" (pic #2), and finally Capital Federal (near Liniers train station in pic #3).
As the "Buenos Aires Children's Book Fair" was postponed for September and also my Workshop "Del papel al Photoshop was postponed until september, my activities were reduced just to a few.
During my stay in Baires I was invited to participate in the Puma Urban Art 2009 show, with my illustration called "Prince of e-mails" (pic #5 and #6).
I met lots of people at the show through all the weekend, including the talented and friendly Hilda Lizarazu (musician, photographer), who posed next to my artwork and stayed talking for some minutes.
I also had the opportunity to meet Alberto Cerriteño (an awesome Mexican illustrator), international guest of the festival.
>I'll be back to Baires in 3 or 4 weeks, to impart the classes at my workshop Del papel al Photoshop, I wishing that moment!